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Golden Fox and the Three Behrs
Golden Fox and the Three Behrs Read online
What’s a sexy young witch to do when everyone thinks she having too much sex? Her Grandmother’s best idea was to send her out for a hike in the woods. Did Gran know she’d find the cabin? Did she know how thrilled each one of the shapeshifting occupants would be to meet her? This is definitely not your run of the mill fairy tale, do you have the nerve to read it?
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Golden Fox and the Three Behrs
Copyright © 2010 Jojo Brown
ISBN: 978-1-55487-553-5
Cover art by Martine Jardin
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Published by eXtasy Books
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Golden Fox and the Three Behrs
A Sexy Tale
Jojo Brown
To every woman out there who has ever gone for a walk in the woods.
Chapter One
There was really nothing better than to just relax and have someone’s hands all over you.
Rene snipped and fluffed and blew Tara’s hair until it flowed down her back like smooth, golden strands of silk. Andrea smoothed the wax on and whipped the bothersome hairs away in her usual sexy, professional way. Simon pushed and ground into her flesh until he’d massaged every speck of tension out of her entire body. The icing on the cake was the glorious twenty minutes she spent naked, under the canopy of the tanning bed. By the time she left Rene’s salon, she truly did feel that she matched her nickname, The Golden Fox.
Tara walked out of the salon with a very satisfied smile on her lips. Nothing could compare to the way her body felt after a full session. She absolutely loved it. She always wore a short dress or skirt to the salon, and left her panties tucked discreetly in her purse when she exited. The slightest breeze could tickle along her newly hair-free, most sensitive folds and send glorious flutters through her body. A good windy day could be downright orgasmic.
Just as a deliciously sudden gust lifted the hem of her skirt, Natasha suddenly appeared at her side in front of the bookstore. “Merry Meet, cousin.”
“Merry Meet, Natasha. What brings you out today? Don’t you have some potions to work on for keeping the men away?” If there were one person she could have done without seeing right then, it was Natasha Inglewood. Even though they were cousins and had been raised together, they were polar opposites. Nat always had something nasty to say and on top of that, she really was the biggest prude in history. If she knew how very close to a full body shudder Tara was at that moment, she’d more than likely run down the street shrieking in horror.
“I must speak with you and I felt this was best said away from others. I see you’ve been to the salon, again. I understand your wish to appear feminine and fresh, but would it not be easier to simply use a razor? If you are afraid of nicking yourself, I could give you a simple potion. Plus, there are all sorts of wax kits and creams on the market. Why must you visit these public spas and expose yourself in such a way?”
“First of all, they do a much better job than anything on the market. Plus, I love being touched. Have you never enjoyed the sensation of another living soul’s hands on your skin?” This conversation definitely put a damper on Tara’s sexy mood. Everything around felt so still. Somehow, Natasha had stopped the delightfully searching breeze. “What is it you want, Natasha? Was there something other than questioning me about my trip to the salon? Or, are you planning to go there yourself? I can give you a wonderful recommendation.”
Every bit of colour drained from Natasha’s face and left her even paler than before. With her rich ebony hair and dark chestnut eyes, her skin looked as if it was powdered. Of course, the fact that she always draped her tiny body in layers of black did not help. “No! I do not wish to go in there. I wanted to give you a warning. If you are going to have all these men calling your cell phone, you should take more care where you leave it.”
“I wondered why everything was so quiet all morning. Where did you find it?”
“You left it on the counter at Gran’s house, right beside the toaster.”
“Oh, I am so glad you found it. Just give it to me and I’ll try to remember to not leave it lying around.”
“That’s the thing. I didn’t find it. Gran did and she’s waiting to speak with you.”
Tara’s heart plummeted to her hot pink painted toes. “Oh Goddess.”
Chapter Two
Sadie Silverthorne—Gran—had been raising her granddaughters, Tara, Natasha and Gabrielle for the past fourteen years, ever since their parents had been lost in a plane crash. Sadie ran her house with love and patience, but she quietly demanded respect from everyone she met.
Tara found her in her usual place—the kitchen, mixing up some new concoction. People came from far and wide to buy Gran’s creams, lotions and potions. At seventy years old, she looked and acted younger than a lot of the forty-year-olds from town and everyone wanted some of what she had. If they knew she was a witch, they either didn’t care or they refused to acknowledge it. As long as their wrinkles faded or their husband suddenly regained his sex drive from twenty years earlier, they were happy.
“Oh, Tara. I’m glad you’re here, I wanted to talk to you. Pass me the ground plantain leaves from the shelf. Mrs. Davis’ son got into a fire ant nest and she’s on her way to pick up this salve for him, poor little mite.”
Tara passed her grandmother the corked jar, joined her at the stove and took a deep breath before speaking. “I saw Nat in town. She told me you found my cell phone.”
Without shifting her concentration from the pot in front of her, Gran made Tara feel as though she was being lectured. “Yes. You had a few very interesting calls, before I found the off button. Jackson wants to know if you are available for Friday night. Bryan got tickets to the concert you wanted to see, but only for Thursday, so you’ll have to let him know if that will work for you right away. Dan, Samuel and Jason all hope to see you this weekend and John wanted to let you know that he had a great time last night. And that was all within ten minutes. I daresn’t wonder how many more calls there would have been if I’d left it on. I don’t know how you get anything done in a day. I do hope you are being careful, Tara.”
“Just because I am seeing all these guys doesn’t mean I’m sleeping with them all.”
“Who are you talking to?” Gran slid the pot off the heat and slapped a lid on it. When she finally turned to look at Tara, her eyes sparkled with what appeared to be amusement. “Did I suddenly sprout pointy ears and a big, bulbous nose? You might be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the gnomes who guard our gardens, but none of you have ever been able to pull one over on me.”
“Okay. Fine. Yes, I am being careful. May I have my phone now?”
“You should take up hiking.”
Tara felt t
he astonishment fill her face. “What? What are you talking about?”
“Hiking. You know what that is. Comfy clothes, footwear with good support and protection, one foot in front of the other and you go out into nature. There are some very nice trails up in the woods back there. Some even nicer spots off the beaten path.”
“Gran, why should I go hiking around in the woods?”
“It’s good for you. Gets your heart pumping, uses those muscles, awakens the senses. Plus, it helps work off some of that tension. If you don’t come home too tired to bother with this parade of penises, at least you’ll be in good shape for them. It worked for me.”
“You? You had a lot of…umm…hikes?”
“Where do you think you got it from? I didn’t just pass down my beautiful blonde hair, big blue eyes and nice round tushie. Now, go change out of that come-get-me skirt and go discover all that nature has to offer.”
“But…my phone?”
“We’ll discuss that later. Oh, here’s Mrs. Davis and her boy. I wonder if he’s learned his lesson about poking his nose in where it doesn’t belong.”
Chapter Three
When Tara first set out, she pounded along the trail. Her sneakered feet thumped angrily on to the hard-packed dirt. She shoved wayward branches out of her way, slapped at bugs and kicked at clumps of grass or weeds near her. Oh, little Tara. I think you fuck too many men, so go for a nice long walk in the woods and I might let you have your phone back, if you’re a good girl. Who does she think she is? I’m twenty-four years old…I am not a child. It’s my phone. I bought it. I pay the bill. I will talk to whomever I please. And I will fuck whomever I please, whenever I please. Well, I’ll walk in your stupid woods, Gran. But I don’t see how it’s going to make me stop wanting to fuck as many men as I can find.”
She didn’t pay much attention to where she went, what trails she followed or which turns she made. Eventually, the physical exertion slowed her down, not just physically—mentally, too. She started to really look around at her surroundings.
It really was nice up there. Sun filtered down through the canopy of leaves and evergreen needles to wash the forest floor with muted light. Ferns, violets and trilliums decorated the ground in an amazing natural quilt. Butterflies flitted in and out of the beams of light and something larger moved in the distance.
Tara felt her feet sink into the softness of the composting leaves and needles of the loamy ground. She felt right away that it probably wasn’t the best idea she had ever had, but it was as if she had no choice. Something just beyond her line of sight drew her in deeper and deeper. She just had to find out what was out there.
Before she knew it, the sky started to darken. In amongst the trees, dusk fell with an almost audible thud. It simply went from day to night with very little or no twilight to announce night’s arrival. Tara stopped in her thoughtless traipsing and looked around. It suddenly struck her that she had absolutely no idea where she was.
As she stood looking around, in hope of spotting a trail, something caught her eye. The very last of the fading light caught and twinkled on something just beyond her view. Since it was the only thing around that wasn’t a plant or a tree, she headed in that direction.
“Oh Great Goddess, who the hell builds a log cabin way out here in the middle of nowhere? I hope they have a phone, whoever they are.” Tara grunted and huffed, as she forced her way through the thick tangle of vines, fallen branches and thick fern at the edge of the clearing.
Before she knocked on the door, she did her best to make herself presentable. There wasn’t much she could do about the snags in her thin t-shirt, but she brushed at the specks of dirt down her legs and pulled a few crumbly leaves from her socks. All she could do about her tangled hair was finger-comb it back and rewrap the elastic around it. It felt more like straw than silk at that moment. “So much for the hour in Rene’s chair this morning.”
The sound of her fist rapping on the solidity of the door seemed to disappear into the wood itself. With a deep breath, she doubled up her fist and banged on the door harder, as hard as she could. It hurt. She cradled her fist to her chest and kicked at the door in anger, just as it swung on its hinges. With her chin to her chest, she examined her scraped knuckles and really worried about the possibility of broken bones. She didn’t even look up right away when she heard the deep baritone voice.
“Can I help you?”
“To start with, you could join the twenty-first century and have a doorbell installed. I mean, really, would it kill you to…” The rest of her snotty comments faded into thin air as soon as she raised her gaze. Heated weight slammed into her lower belly with the speed and urgency of a runaway freight train.
The shirtless man standing in front of her was so much more than handsome…he was gorgeous, beautiful and wet. Beads of water collected in the strands of his black hair to gather and slide to the tip and drop to his oh-so-wide shoulders. The tiny rivulets of water drew her gaze as they traced zigzag trails down his muscular, richly tanned chest to disappear into the softness of the towel around his waist. Tara’s fingers suddenly itched to reach out and pull that one little piece of white material away.
He cleared his throat and asked again if he could help her. Oh Goddess, yes he sure could, he could tear her clothes off and do her right then and there.
“I’m lost.” It’s the only sentence that would form in her addled brain at that moment.
“Are you sure? I think you look like you are right where you should be. Sweaty…dishevelled …alone and…on my doorstep. I think you should come in.”
It never crossed her mind to be worried for her safety or scared in the least. She stepped over his threshold and smiled as a tiny electric charge shot through her body. Every nerve ending was awake and reaching out to this man.
He quietly shut the door and slid close in behind her. She felt his breath on her neck, he seemed to sniff her. Tara did her best to stand very still. His closeness caused her to tremble. His mouth hovered right beside her ear and his whisper washed over the sensitive skin. “What are you?”
“I’m just a girl from down in the town. C-could I use your phone, or could you point me in the right direction?” Goddess, he smelled good. Her nipples hardened and grazed against the material of her shirt so much it felt very uncomfortable. Her pussy vibrated with desperate need that deepened with every breath she drew.
“There is no phone here. If you really want to head back to town, walk out the front door, turn left and follow the trail. It’s about a half hour walk. But you are not some simple girl from town, no human can see this place, let alone knock on the door. Look at me.” He had made his way around to stand directly in front of her, close enough that when she raised her chin she could have leaned forward just slightly and been able to press her lips to his very inviting ones. “So…after all these years I am blessed to have a witch in my home. How is Sadie?”
Chapter Four
Over the next half hour Tara learned more about shapeshifters than she would have thought possible. She’d had no idea there were any in the area. Now she would look at animals, especially bears, in a whole new light. Gran had set up the wards around the cabin years earlier to protect the Behr men from nosy townsfolk, when she and Edmund’s father were lovers.
While he’d been giving her the quick rundown, Edmund had headed to the kitchen and was busily fussing with the pot of spicy smelling chilli on the stove. The whole time Tara watched the towel with hope that his knotting ability was less than his agility in the kitchen. Much to her regret it never slipped.
“If you would like to freshen up, there’s plenty of hot water and a good supply of towels in the bathroom. Supper will be ready in about ten minutes.”
She timed it perfectly and walked out of the steamy bathroom just as Edmund placed the two equally steamy bowls on the table. He’d lit candles, filled a wicker basket with crusty rolls and poured them each a glass of red wine. Grinding music filled the air from speakers hidden somew
here within the walls.
“I decided to follow your lead and dress for dinner.”
His gaze ran up and down her towel wrapped body with a clear look of approval. “Perhaps for dessert, we can both slip into something a little more comfortable.” As he held her chair for her, he pressed his lips to the side of her neck. Fire instantly shot from that tiny spot to her groin as she sat.
The chilli was good, but a lot hotter than anything she was used to eating. After four or five mouthfuls she felt as though her insides were on fire, and not in a good way. The last bite she took must have had a whole handful of red pepper in it, she gasped and grabbed her glass of wine, downing it in one gulp. Her eyes teared up—she felt her nose start to run as she ran to the sink with her glass in hand. She could not get enough cooling water down her throat fast enough. In her panic, she hadn’t noticed that her towel still sat on the chair she’d so quickly vacated.
Her eyelids flew open as Edmund’s large hands closed on her hips and dragged her back against a wall of hardness. At some point he’d discarded his towel as well, now his very hard manliness ground into her ass. Tara closed her eyes and turned her head to the side as she ground against him, held captive against his body. She moved against the wall of body behind her, in time to the drum beats of the music. She drove her naked body to peaks of pleasure, without a single hand of assistance from him.
The heat between them made her blood surge through her veins as his head came down to nuzzle warmly on her neck. He nudged her damp hair out of the way and drew pictures on her skin with his wet tongue. They seemed to lose themselves in the non-stop beat of the music that drove them. His hands moved from her hips—they slid around to splay on her stomach and press her even harder back against him. Soon his hands moved slowly up to cup her breasts. His hard, sure fingers tweaked and pulled her hardened nipples and forced a throaty gasp from her. Tara’s body was no longer her own. She felt heat radiate out from his touch to every part of her body. She desperately wanted to actually feel his touch everywhere. Trapped, she did the only thing she could and that was grind against his hardness as wave after wave of shiver raced through her.