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Golden Fox and the Three Behrs Page 3

  He let go of her wrists and she lowered her arms and legs at pretty much the same time. She wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back. She held him inside her, her strong muscles still contracting around him, for as long as she could. His arms wrapped around her and they lay there for a few minutes, simply breathing and slowing down together.

  He moved off her and pulled her into his side. “I never knew bedding a witch would bring out that side of me. It’s some good knowledge to have.”

  Tara snuggled into his chest and traced a fingertip around his chest. “Maybe its something that was always in you and it really has nothing to do with the fact that I’m a witch.”

  “Yeah, maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’re a witch, but I am certain it was you that brought it out, and I am glad you did.”

  Edmund fell asleep as soon as he’d made a run to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and cleaned up a bit. Tara slipped silently out of his bed, tiptoed down the stairs. This had been one of the most fantastic nights of her life. She wasn’t sure she could handle something quite so intense every night, but she would definitely want to repeat it at some time.

  She pulled her clothes on in the downstairs bathroom where she’d left them and headed out the front door. She turned left and easily followed the path that gleamed in the moonlight right in front of her. Within half an hour she was in town and headed for home.

  Chapter Five

  The knock on her door pulled Tara from the exhilarating depths of a wonderful daydream at her kitchen window. She pulled her gaze away from the view of the woods above town and stalked through her kitchen to pull the apartment door open.

  “Blessed Morning, Gabby. What are you doing here? I don’t think I’ve ever known you to leave the office in the middle of a Monday morning.”

  As her delightfully sparkly cousin answered, she bounced into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. “You’re right, I don’t usually, but Gran’s slightly frantic. Apparently your phone isn’t working and she was expecting to hear from you last night. She’s been fussing and dithering all night. I swear she’s called me twenty times to see if I’d seen or heard from you. What in the name of all that is great have you been up to that has her so upset? Why are you not at work?”

  Tara joined Gabrielle at the table with a brilliant smile and sighed. “I’m sure the restaurant can survive without me for one morning. Gran should have known where I was, she’s the one who sent me out to the woods yesterday. I’m sure you heard that she had my cell, so she decided I needed to go hiking.”

  Gabrielle stared into her eyes intently. “Maybe she’s worried you got attacked by a bear or something. But you look quite satisfied with yourself, so I’m assuming the hike did you some good.”

  “It was wonderful, Gabby. You have absolutely no idea what wonderful surprises those woods hold deep in its heart. Or maybe you do…maybe that’s why you head into the woods every Friday night.”

  “You know perfectly well that I go through the woods to Giselle’s place. I’ve never actually gone walking around in the actual forest, are you going to tell me the secret?”

  “I think it’s best for each hiker to find that for themselves.”

  Gabrielle gave her one more intent look and got to her feet. “Well, I don’t know what you got up to out there, but it looks like it did you a world of good. Plug your phone in and call Gran, I have to get back to work.”

  After a quick shower, Tara slipped the plug into its spot for the phone and walked out the door just as the phone trilled behind her. “You can worry for a few more minutes, Gran. I think this conversation would be best done in person.”

  A quick stop at Sinfully Good, the restaurant she owned and ran, to let the staff know she’d be in later, Tara headed up to talk to Gran. As usual, she found her in the kitchen.

  “Blessed Morning, Gran.”

  The wooden spoon clattered to the floor as Gran spun and gasped in shock. “Great Goddess, where have you been, Tara? I’ve called everyone I could think of. I even turned your cell phone back on and called every one of your men. Why did you not come to pick up your car when you were done your hike? I swear you’ve taken ten years off my life in this one night.”

  “I met an old friend of yours.” Tara slid onto one of the tall stools on the opposite side of the counter and popped a grape into her mouth from the bowl there.

  “What is that supposed to mean? You disappear all night and just saunter in here with that look on your face and tell me you met an old friend. Just where were you?”

  “I told you, Gran. I met an old friend of yours and now a new friend of mine. Edmund Behr was very happy to know that you’re still alive and well.”

  “You found the cabin.”

  “Yes. Is that not why you sent me out there to begin with? To find the cabin? To find the delight that the cabin holds?”

  “I actually just wanted to get you out there, to spread your scent about the woods and hoped that perhaps they would come looking for you. The cabin is only findable by those who would be welcome and only after dark. You left here at two in the afternoon. Why were you still out there when the sun dropped?”

  “In truth, I got slightly lost. Not that I’m complaining. I think I’ll enjoy quite a few more hikes in the woods.” She got up and slipped around the end of the counter to gather the slight old woman in her arms. “Thanks for the advice, Gran. I have to get to work. I’ll see you later. I love you.”

  “Don’t you want to talk about your cell phone?”

  Tara stopped in the doorway and sent a smile over her shoulder. “You can keep it, Gran. I don’t think I’ll be needing it anytime soon.”

  Chapter Six

  All day Wednesday, at work, Tara had a hard time. She simply could not stay focussed and she was so tired of the seemingly endless parade of men that stopped in to speak to her. Had she really had that many men on her phone? They all had the same complaint…they wanted to see her and hated that they couldn’t get hold of her. She just wanted them all to leave her alone and she desperately wanted to go for a hike.

  As soon as her shift was done, she sped home for a shower. She slipped into her favourite slinky dress and strappy shoes. Not very conducive to long hikes through the woods, but it was fine for the hard packed trail that led from the road straight to the hidden cabin. She spent a few long minutes straightening her hair until it hung like silk down her back. No more of the mud splattered tangled mess that she was the last time.

  She came up on the cabin just as the last of the sun’s rays disappeared behind the trees. A quick electric thrill washed through her as she lifted her fist to knock on the door. The freshly installed doorbell brought an even bigger smile to her face. With a quick press, she stepped back and waited with growing anticipation.

  When the door opened she was just as shocked as Sunday night. It wasn’t Edmund standing on the other side of the threshold, but there was definitely the same instant sexual pull. The men of this cabin must have a thing against wearing clothes…at least shirts. Tara’s gaze traced down his bare chest all the way to the waistband of his very well fitting jeans. This man was just as tall as Edmund and just as muscular, but he wasn’t as chiselled. His beautiful body had a slight layer of softness over those hard rippling muscles.

  “Well, hello. Can I help you?” His voice held the same deep timber as Edmund’s but something else, something softer and even more alluring.

  Oh Goddess, yes you certainly can help me. “Oh, hello. I was hoping you might like some company this evening.”

  “I can’t think of a better way to spend an evening than with one of Sadie’s beautiful girls. Come on in.”

  “How did you know I was Sadie’s granddaughter?” His fingertips gently grazed her chest as he lifted the silver chain and pendant. Tara sucked in a quick breath as fire raced to heat the pit of her stomach.

  “I actually thought you were one of her daughter
s. This stylized silver rose thorn is her family’s trademark. I always thought it was one of the most beautiful charms any of the witches designed.”

  Tara lifted her hand and wrapped her trembling fingers around his, where he held her talisman. “Thanks. I’ve always cherished it. It was my mother’s. It’s all that was found of her after the plane crash.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.” He let the necklace fall and moved his hand to her jawbone.

  She stepped slightly closer to him, rested her hand softly on his chest and breathed in the scent of him. “It was a long time ago, but I still miss her.”

  His hand slid around to cradle her head. “The bond between mother and child is something that can never be broken, no matter what dark force separates them.”

  She slid her hand around his wide shoulder and moved even closer. With her face lifted, their mouths were mere inches apart. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  His soft lips brushed hers and his breath filled her mouth. “Are you hungry?”

  “Ravenous.” Her fingers ran through the closely cropped chestnut hair on his head.

  She felt the kiss all the way to her toes. The feel of his well-trimmed goatee against her skin only added to the sensation. Their mouths fit together perfectly as two tongues darted and swept the dark recesses with sexual urgency.

  When he pulled back, just enough to break the contact, she was unable to control the shudder that ran through her. “I was just about to sit down to my favourite warm evening meal. There is more than enough for two.”

  Rather than the dining room, Grant led her into the living room. They sat together on scattered pillows in front of the big soft couch. The coffee table was strewn with squat, square containers lined with ice. Each one held a plate of delicious food. Two bottles of wine sat in buckets of ice, breathing in readiness. He poured them each a glass of the white to start.

  “We’ll save the strawberry wine for dessert, it goes wonderfully with the chocolate.”

  They talked quietly as they ate the broccoli and blue cheese salad. When they moved on to the chilled shrimp with a delightful blend of orzo, peppers and broccoli, they started sensuously feeding each other. Tara left the fork where it was and pressed a softly curled shrimp to his lips with her fingers. When he sucked the juices from her skin her breath caught in her throat.

  He in turn fed her a shrimp with his mouth. The sensation of sharing that small mouthful sent pure electricity straight through her. When he lifted the forkful of iced tiramisu to her lips, she accepted it with a deep sigh. The flavour of the coffee and rum mixed perfectly and filled her mouth with smooth, satiny delight. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand all this waiting. Her body was on fire and every mouthful only added fuel.

  As if reading her mind, Grant got to his feet and gently pulled her up to join him. “I think we’ll leave the rest of our dessert for another time.” With that, he lifted her into his arms, cradled her to his chest and carried her up the stairs. He walked past the door leading to Edmund’s room and turned into the next one.

  This room was as different from the one down the hall as the meal had been from Sunday’s. Where Edmund’s room had been filled with large hard wooden furniture and a very solid bed…Grant’s was softer. The bed had a thick feather filled mattress cover and soft luxurious feather pillows. There was the same amount of furniture, but somehow it all seemed less substantial.

  Grant carried her to the side of the bed and sat her on the enveloping softness with great care. He knelt before her and lifted one foot. With slow precision, he undid the strap, slid the shoe from her foot and tenderly kissed along her insole. He gave her other foot the same treatment. As he placed tiny kisses along the insides of her legs, all the way up to the hem of her dress, she shivered in delight and anticipation.

  She pressed her palms into the softness of the bed to lift enough for him to slide the slippery material of her dress over her ass. As soon as he saw that it was the only piece of clothing she had on, a very satisfying shudder ravaged his body. Her breasts bounced softly as he slid the dress over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  He cupped her face with both hands and pressed quick soft kisses to her lips, eyelids and nose. “You are so beautiful my wondrous witch. I am so much more than thrilled to have the honour of you warming my bed tonight.”

  His lips brushed softly over hers, just a touch not quite a kiss. The thought that these Behr men certainly knew how to tease a women into sexual frenzy flitted through her mind.

  She heard and felt his breath, ragged against her mouth. He continued teasing her, just putting enough pressure on her mouth to make her want more. She ran her hands over his chest, along his arms and around his neck. The hair on the back of his neck felt like short bristles as if it had been cut very recently.

  He darted the tip of his tongue out and traced it over her desperate lips. A shiver ran through her as she opened her lips to welcome his tongue in. As their tongues battled each other in a heated dance of need, she slid a hand down to the waistband of his jeans. She only struggled momentarily with the button. The zipper flew down on its own against the pressure held so securely behind it. His steely hard cock sprang into her hand as if it had been waiting for her. His lack of underwear sent thrills up her arm.

  His soft moan filled her mouth just as his cock filled her hand. His hands left her face and he shoved his pants down to kick them off, without breaking the contact of their mouths. As soon as he was as naked as her, he knelt tightly against the edge of the bed, between her thighs and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her tightly against him. His mouth left hers to trace a path of kisses along her jaw line to her neck.

  With her in his arms, he moved the two of them up onto the bed. He knelt beside her hip and lowered his mouth to one of her hard, puckered nipples. His gentle hand covered the other breast, his fingers rubbed over and around the nipple. His other hand explored her body. He slid it down her ribcage, over her stomach and on down. His gentleness amazed Tara. She almost felt as if he was worshipping her body. He ran his fingers down the outside of her leg and up the inside.

  As his fingers softly crossed over her swollen lips he looked up into her eyes. He continued licking her breasts, his tongue flicked circles all round the hard nub of her nipple. His gaze was filled with such lust and need…she was surprised he could go as slow as he did. She slowly traced her fingernails down across his hard stomach to his waiting cock. She closed her fist around the thickness of his shaft and ran the pad of her thumb across the slit in the end. The tiny jewel of liquid there lubricated her path.

  With a moan, he moved away from her hand, readjusted his position to between her legs and licked and kissed his way down her body. His warm tongue separated her lower lips and dipped in to flick over her engorged clit. Blissfully, Tara closed her eyes and pressed her head back into the soft pillow. One hand crushed the sheet beneath her into a ball and the other held the back of his head. She held him to her, welcomed him to feast on her pussy. He licked along the inside of her lips with slow precision. His tongue dipped into her, tasted the rush of wetness there and moaned deeply onto her sensitive flesh. He sucked and licked her clit until she felt the first gentle shudders race through her. She could feel the rapturous release building in her, it was just within reach. Her breath came in short harsh gasps. She was so close and then it slipped away when Grant changed his position. Almost instantly it was back, just as close as his tongue flicked a staccato over her clit. One more minute in that position and she’d fly screaming over that anticipated precipice, but there was something she wanted more.

  She reached down with both hands and grasped him under his arms. With as much force as she could muster she pulled him up her body until his face was level with hers. His mouth and chin were wet with her juice and glistened in the moonlight streaming through the window.

  “You taste amazing.” A smile filled his face just before he lowered his mouth to hers. She could taste herse
lf on him and she liked it, somehow it made her want to feel him inside her even more. With deft movements he pulled a small packet from the drawer in the bedside table, tore it open and rolled the thin sheath down onto his shaft.

  His uncut cock seemed huge where it bounced slightly with every beat of his heart, right above her pussy. The tip of it was exposed and shiny with anticipation. The condom gave it a soft sheen. She pulled him back down on top of her, slid a leg around his waist and pulled him closer to her exposed wetness. She rubbed herself along his length and felt the pressure build in her again. With a hand between their hips she pressed the head of his cock to her opening and angled her hips up. She pulled him to her with the leg that held him captive.

  He held himself over her and watched her. He was clearly waiting for a sign that she was ready. Another slight movement of her hips and he made his move. As slowly as possible he slid into her, one thick inch after another. Once he was in her to the hilt, he waited to give her a chance to become accustomed to his size. He felt glorious. Tara had never felt so full before. She looked up into his eyes, slid her hands around to hold his ass and smiled.

  Their bodies moved in unison. As his cock slid in and out to be devoured and released by her slick pussy. Tara’s eyes drifted closed as one long throaty moan wafted from her lips.

  After a few more minutes of this long slow fuck he lifted her calves up around his shoulders. Without any preamble, he slid smoothly into her again. In that position he went even deeper. She felt the pressure of his thrusts in the pit of her stomach as he filled her completely and stretched her to accommodate him.

  Slowly their thrusts against each other became more urgent. Their sweat-slicked bodies made a wet slap sound with each thrust. She watched his face contort with a deep concentration, it almost looked like pain. With a gasp and a grunt he buried his face in her neck. She felt the spasms rock him. She held his body against her while he bucked and shuddered.